Unidades de medida
Al igual que otros lenguajes, los lenguajes de .NET aceptan decoradores o atributos sobre los tipos de datos, que se expresan usando [<AttributeName>]
. Uno de los más convenientes el [<Measure>]
que permite definir unidades de medida:
type J
type s
type m
type nm
let nmTom (a: float<nm>) = a*1e-9<m/nm>
let c = 299792458.0<m/s>
let h = 6.6261E-34<J*s>
printfn "%A" h
Planck formula \(E = \frac {h c}{\lambda}\)
let lambda = 100.0<nm>
printfn $"lambda[m]: {nmTom lambda}"
let energy (lambda: float<nm>) =
h*c/(nmTom lambda)
printfn $"E[J]: {energy lambda}"
lambda[m]: 1,0000000000000001E-07
E[J]: 1,9864548059538E-18
type eV
let joulesToeV (a:float<J>) = 6.242e+18<eV/J>*a
printfn $"E[eV]: {energy lambda |> joulesToeV}"
E[eV]: 12,39945089876362
[<Measure>] type C // temperature, Celsius/Centigrade
[<Measure>] type F // temperature, Fahrenheit
let convertCtoF ( temp : float<C> ) = 9.0<F> / 5.0<C> * temp + 32.0<F>
let convertFtoC ( temp: float<F> ) = 5.0<C> / 9.0<F> * ( temp - 32.0<F>)
// Define conversion functions from dimensionless floating point values.
let degreesFahrenheit temp = temp * 1.0<F>
let degreesCelsius temp = temp * 1.0<C>
|> List.map float
|> List.map degreesCelsius
|> List.map (fun t -> (t,convertCtoF t))
|> List.iter (fun (tc,tf)-> printfn $"%3.0f{tc} C son %3.0f{tf} F")
0 C son 32 F
10 C son 50 F
20 C son 68 F
30 C son 86 F
40 C son 104 F
50 C son 122 F
60 C son 140 F
70 C son 158 F
80 C son 176 F
90 C son 194 F
100 C son 212 F
|> List.map float
|> List.map degreesFahrenheit
|> List.map (fun t -> (t,convertFtoC t))
|> List.iter (fun (tf,tc)-> printfn $"%3.0f{tf} F son %3.0f{tc} C")
0 F son -18 C
10 F son -12 C
20 F son -7 C
30 F son -1 C
40 F son 4 C
50 F son 10 C
60 F son 16 C
70 F son 21 C
80 F son 27 C
90 F son 32 C
100 F son 38 C
let t1 = 44<F>
let t2 = 32<C>
t1 + t2
input.fsx (4,6)-(4,8) typecheck error The unit of measure 'C' does not match the unit of measure 'F'
input.fsx (4,4)-(4,5) typecheck error The unit of measure 'C' does not match the unit of measure 'F'
let t1 = 44<F>
let t2 = 32<F>
t1 + t2
Uno puede querer usar los valores sin la unidad de medida, para lo cual es necesario castearlos usando float